misty moisty morning

Today I woke up to freezing fog for my morning run. The fog sort of amazes me. It’s so ethereal. Growing up in Nevada, we didn’t get fog. Maybe a little bit, but not thick fog like we get here. Fog so thick you can’t see 10 feet in front of you (which I know is less thick then some other places). It still amazes me. AND is the only weather in which running sort of scares me. Since I run in the dark, the fog adds an extra layer of creepiness to shadows, and you know…low visibility for me and for cars. So…for safety, I ran with my headlamp this morning. But I didn’t use it to see (infact it makes it worse) I hold the lamp in my hand, and when a car comes by I turn it on to blinking, so cars can see me. At least….it makes me feel better.

Here are my run stats:
Time: 29’34”
Pace: 12:16 min/mi
Distance 2.41 miles
Temp outside: 31 degrees

Look at my pace! Quick for me! I was reading Krissie’s running blog the other day and she made mention of her pace being slower for one particular run, and quicker when her husband runs with her. Well…hell will have frozen over the day I get my husband out of bed to run at 5 am, so the only person I have to push me at this point, is me. I thought about that this morning, when I felt like I was “lagging” I tried to push it.
I could feel the difference. It was harder for my lungs and for my legs. But it was great, and I was proud of myself.

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10 Responses to misty moisty morning

  1. nice run! i appluad you for bracing the cold — although our mornings here have been about 19/20 degrees- eek!

    *new to your blog and wanted to say hello! 😉

  2. Kelly says:

    Once again…great run! Do you ever get nervous running in the dark??

    • slowmiles says:

      I used to. I’m actually usually pretty afraid of the dark. I run with my dog (not that he would do anything but lick someone to death!), and stay to a route that my husband (who is at home sleeping when I run!) knows of. It gets boring running the same thing over and over, but it makes me feel safer. It might be different as my training increases and I’m looking at longer distances…. 🙂

  3. burpexcuzme says:

    Wow, now that’s motivation. I don’t think I could run that early in the morning in that weather!

  4. Stephanie says:

    Come run in San Francisco!!! You’ll rock out with all the fog around here 😉

    • slowmiles says:

      You know..I was actually thinking, if I survive this whole running thing…I kind of want to come to SF to run the Nike Women’s Half Marathon.

      instead of a medal, you get a Tiffany’s necklace…couldn’t go wrong with that!

  5. May I ask what time you go to bed in order to be able to wake up to run at 5am? When I used to do mysore (independent morning practice) at 5:30, I was in bed by 10:00. I love to sleep!

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